
How and why to std::forward inside a concept

I thought I had a solid understanding of how std::forward works, but it turns out I was wrong. In a concept definition where I originally used std::forward, it turned out to give the incorrect behaviour. It seems like std::forward should only be used in cases of type deduction, but I was using it in a situation where the type was explicitly passed.

This is a quick article where I go through my journey of forwarding inside a concept definition, and hopefully shed some light on the topic for those who are interested.

In the effort to expand my parser generator library tok3n, I started supporting out-parameters for the parsers, so that the parsed result can be any type that satisfies the necessary API. Relevant to this article, I have written concepts to check whether a type satisfies the APIs I need, and I misused std::forward in the concepts along the way.

My use case

I have a few function-concept pairs in tok3n to check satisfaction of an API. In this article I’ll look at my adl_get() function and gettable concept. I wanted to have the concept be standalone, and the function rely on the concept. Here is the function.

template <std::size_t I, class T>
requires gettable<T&&, I>
constexpr decltype(auto) adl_get(T&& t)
	using std::get;
	return get<I>(std::forward<T>(t));

This function is meant to be used like adl_get<2>(val). For example, if val is a boost::variant, then it will internally call boost::get<2>(val) with ADL. The point is, I don’t want to depend only on std::get. I want to support non-std:: as well. I named it adl_get because I wanted to avoid any interaction with the other get overloads, since get is often used with ADL. It takes t by forwarding reference, and then uses std::forward to pass it to whichever get function is the best match.

Notably, this function only works if the concept gettable<T&&, I> is satisfied. The type of std::forward<T>(t) is T&&, so checking gettable<T, I> would not be accurate.

Here was my first version of gettable. Please note, this is wrong, so I’m calling it wrong_gettable.

template <class T, std::size_t I>
concept wrong_gettable = requires (T t)
	requires [](T t_) {
		using std::get;
		return requires { get<I>(std::forward<T>(t_)); };

I basically rewrote the adl_get function body inside a lambda because I need the using std::get; line. However, instead of returning the result of get(), I’m returning whether the expression get<I>(std::forward<T>(t_)) is semantically valid. Then I’m immediately invoking this lambda and using the result in a nested requirement, with the requires keyword right before the lambda.

The somewhat ugly form of the concept doesn’t particularly matter here. I could have written it differently. The point is, I want to know whether get<I>(std::forward<T>(t_)) is semantically valid, when std::get is also added to the overload set.

This concept works perfectly fine when I’m just calling adl_get(). Take the following setup.

struct as_non_const_ref{};
struct as_const_ref{};
struct as_rvalue_ref{};

template <std::size_t>
void get(as_non_const_ref&) {}
template <std::size_t>
void get(const as_const_ref&) {}
template <std::size_t>
void get(as_rvalue_ref&&) {}

Then we should be able to static_assert on whether these types satisfy the concept.

static_assert(gettable<as_non_const_ref&, 0>);
static_assert(not gettable<const as_non_const_ref&, 0>);
static_assert(not gettable<as_non_const_ref&&, 0>);

static_assert(gettable<as_const_ref&, 0>);
static_assert(gettable<const as_const_ref&, 0>);
static_assert(gettable<as_const_ref&&, 0>);

static_assert(not gettable<as_rvalue_ref&, 0>);
static_assert(not gettable<const as_rvalue_ref&, 0>);
static_assert(gettable<as_rvalue_ref&&, 0>);

And indeed this works just fine.

What about passing a value type to the concept?

So far, every invocation of gettable has used a reference type for the T parameter. What would it mean to pass a value type?

For example, if I wanted to check gettable<as_rvalue_ref, 0>, should this be true or false? We could argue that it should be disallowed entire, and that we should add std::is_reference_v into the concept, but I’d like to allow this.

I would argue that checking for gettable<as_rvalue_ref, 0> should be equivalent to checking whether the following code compiles:

as_rvalue_ref rr = ...;

I’m not doing anything fancy with the variable rr, I’m just passing it bare. Yes of course, this actually gets passed as an lvalue reference, but checking decltype(rr) gives just as_rvalue_ref, not as_rvalue_ref&. This code snippet does not compile, so therefore gettable<as_rvalue_ref, 0> should be false.

That’s not what happens.

static_assert(wrong_gettable<as_rvalue_ref, 0>);

This check actually succeeds, even though the corresponding code fails to compile.

The return type of std::forward

This section goes over what I assumed about std::forward and about type deduction, and where I was wrong.

Note, std::forward must always be used with an explicit template parameter, so std::forward(something) is never valid code. It needs to be std::forward<Something>(something).

At first I assumed std::forward would return a value type when you give it a value type. Like the following code.

int x = 5;
using Type = decltype(std::forward<int>(x));

static_assert(std::same_as<Type, int&&>); // ???

I originally thought Type would be int. I naively and incorrectly assumed that the return type of std::forward is always the same type that was passed in. This is incorrect. Here, Type is actually int&&.

I couldn’t understand why this would happen. If I’m forwarding with the type int and passing it an lvalue reference, the output should either be an lvalue reference or a value. Why should the above code be a move?

But it turns out I also misunderstood type deduction. This C++ paper from 2002 is a good read, as is the StackOverflow post I got it from. std::forward seems to go hand-in-hand with forwarding references in function templates, where the template parameter is deduced from the argument.

Here was the misunderstanding regarding type deduction.

template <class T>
void foo(T&&) {}

Previously, I thought that calling foo() with an lvalue reference deduces T as an lvalue reference, and calling foo() with an rvalue reference deduces T as an rvalue reference. This is wrong. Here is what actually happens.

int x = 5;
foo(x);                // T is int&
foo(std::as_const(x)); // T is const int&
foo(std::move(x));     // T is int, not int&&

The std::forward function needs to work in harmony with type deduction, so std::forward<int>(...) must necessarily return an rvalue reference, given that rvalue references cause the deduced type to be a value type.

That settled it in my mind. I can’t use std::forward in the concept, because I’m not always working with a deduced T.

Trying static_cast in the concept

My next attempt at designing this concept looked like this. Note that it’s also wrong.

template <class T, std::size_t I>
concept also_wrong_gettable = requires (T t)
	requires [](T t_) {
		using std::get;
		return requires { get<I>(static_cast<T>(t_)); };

I wanted to use static_cast instead of std::forward because of the following properties.

int x = 5;
using T1 = decltype(std::forward<int>(x));
using T2 = decltype(static_cast<int>(x));

static_assert(std::same_as<T1, int&&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<T2, int>);

Here, T1 is int&&, but T2 is just int with no reference. That’s great! Now when I call get<I>(static_cast<T>(t_)) this will pass a T directly, instead of a T&& as before, right?

It still doesn’t work. The expression static_cast<int>(x) creates another int from the previous int, meaning that it creates a temporary value, meaning it passes an rvalue reference. It doesn’t simply forward along the old int, it constructs a new one, passing it as a temporary.

As this point I was (and still am) convinced that I can only achieve the results I want by writing my own forwarding function.

Writing my own forwarding function

Here is the definition of std::forward.

template< class T >
constexpr T&& forward( std::remove_reference_t<T>& t ) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&&>(t);
template< class T >
constexpr T&& forward( std::remove_reference_t<T>&& t ) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&&>(t);

I wanted to modify std::forward and call it non_deduced_forward, to work the way I want it to work when given value types. When we pass this function an rvalue reference, the result should still be an rvalue reference, so there’s no need to change the 2nd overload from std::forward above. However, I split the 1st overload into the reference case and the non-reference case, like the following.

template< class T >
constexpr decltype(auto) non_deduced_forward( std::remove_reference_t<T>& t ) noexcept
	if constexpr (std::is_reference_v<T>)
    	return static_cast<T&&>(t); // Same as before
		return t; // Pass along the lvalue reference

// ... 2nd overload remains unchanged, but renamed to `non_deduced_forward`

This function uses decltype(auto) so it can pass along the exact reference type, without explicitly stating it. I could use std::conditional_t for the precision and guaranteed correctness, but I chose to leave it with shorter syntax for now.

This function non_deduced_forward() behaves identically to std::forward when passed reference types, and it also behaves identically when passed a value type and given an rvalue reference parameter. The only difference is how it handles lvalue references when passed a value type.

int x = 5;
using T1 = decltype(non_deduced_forward<int>(x));
using T2 = decltype(non_deduced_forward<int>(std::move(x)));

static_assert(std::same_as<T1, int&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<T2, int&&>);

To me, this behaviour is more sensical when passing the type explicitly. But this is incompatible with C++’s type deduction. Take the following code for example.

template <class T>
decltype(auto) foo(T&& t)
    return std::forward<T>(t);

template <class T>
decltype(auto) bar(T&& t)
    return non_deduced_forward<T>(t);

static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(foo(x)), int&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(foo(std::as_const(x))), const int&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(foo(std::move(x))), int&&>);

static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(bar(x)), int&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(bar(std::as_const(x))), const int&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(bar(std::move(x))), int&>); // ??? This is obviously wrong

All of the static_asserts make sense except for the last one. When using this non_deduced_forward() function with forwarding references and type deduction, it gives the wrong result for rvalue reference arguments. That said, it could be fixed if bar() used non_deduced_forward<T&&>(t) instead… but that’s not something I’d advocate. I made this function for one specific purpose, which was to use it in a concept.

So let’s use it in a concept.

Putting it all together

This is what the final concept looks like. (“Final” for now, until I refactor it again.)

template <class T, std::size_t I>
concept gettable = requires (T t)
	requires [](T t_) {
		using std::get;
		return requires { get<I>(non_deduced_forward<T>(t_)); };

Using the setup from the first section of the article, all the static_asserts using gettable still hold. But now, the following static_asserts will also all hold.

static_assert(gettable<as_non_const_ref, 0>);
static_assert(not gettable<const as_non_const_ref, 0>);

static_assert(gettable<as_const_ref, 0>);
static_assert(gettable<const as_const_ref, 0>);

static_assert(not gettable<as_rvalue_ref, 0>);
static_assert(not gettable<const as_rvalue_ref, 0>);

In the original wrong gettable, some of these would not hold. I was particularly concerned with the checks regarding as_rvalue_ref. I don’t ever think someone would actually define a type where get() only exists on rvalue references, but I want the concept to be accurate for all possible usages.

Through this process I learned quite a lot about std::forward and type deduction. Hopefully you’ve learned something too, or at least felt some catharsis by seeing me hold some misconceptions that you may have held in the past.

In conclusion, I want to write code that’s correct and verifiable at compile-time through the use of concepts. C++ makes it possible, but it doesn’t always make the process easy, and clearly I’ll go through great lengths to achieve this. Thanks for reading!