
The Parser concept (+ NoneOf and AllOf)

Continuing on my series on my expression template parser generator library…

So far I’ve defined the AnyOf parser, that checks whether the first character of the input string matches any characters from a given set. This is one of my “primitive” parsers. I’ve thought of 2 other “primitives” to act as a basis for the library: NoneOf and AllOf. After that, let’s expand on the idea of a “Parser” in general.

Later edit: I previously called these parsers OneChar, NotChar, and Literal respectively, but I’ve since changed them.

NoneOf and AllOf, simple extensions of AnyOf

The idea here is simple. Instead of checking whether the first character matches any characters in the given set, we’ll check whether the first character doesn’t match any characters in the given set. Instead I could add another template parameter to the AnyOf type to make it do this, but I prefer having these as separate types. For now the code will be duplicated, but I’ll remove duplication later.

Right now, I’ll copy and paste all of AnyOf, but change the condition.

template <StaticString str>
requires SortedAndUniqued<str>
struct NoneOf
    static constexpr bool parse(std::string_view input)
        return not input.empty() && not str.contains(input.front());

The only difference here is not str.contains(...) instead of str.contains(...). Otherwise it’s the same.

I also want a parser that checks that the input string starts with a given substring. This change is equally as simple as NoneOf. Just change the condition.

template <StaticString str>
struct AllOf
    static constexpr bool parse(std::string_view input)
        return input.starts_with(str.view());

This time, we shouldn’t make sure the parser’s string is sorted and uniqued. This substring to match can obviously be anything, with repeated characters that aren’t in order.

Conceptualizing the “Parser”

At this point, I have 3 unrelated (in terms of inheritance) struct templates, but I want to use them in identical scenarios. I’m using C++20, so this sounds like a good time to define a concept.

What should comprise a “Parser”?

To start off, we want a static function called parse() that takes a string input. All my parser types so far have this function. What should it return? A bool, like I’ve shown so far? I’m not so sure of that. Take this simple nontrivial example. I want to parse either a '0' or a '1', and indicate which one in the return value.

int parse_bit(std::string_view str)
    bool result = AnyOf<"01">::parse(str);
    if (not result)
        return -1;
    else if ( /* we parsed a '0' */ )
        return 0;
    else // we parsed a '1'
        return 1;

Here we’re trying to direct the control flow, using the contents of what was already parsed. With a bool return value, this isn’t impossible, but it’s annoying. This is the case whenever the value of the parsed string is needed for something. With a bool return value, how could we do this in the above example?

int parse_bit(std::string_view str)
    bool result = AnyOf<"01">::parse(str);
    if (not result)
        return -1;
    else if (str[0] == '0')
        return 0;
        return 1;

This is fine in this small example, but notice that we needed to re-parse the input manually after already parsing the input. We’re checking if the first char in str is '0', but we already did that. This could get unwieldy really fast with a more complex example.

Instead we could use a std::optional as a return type. But even better, I’ve found, is a Result class that wraps an optional, and also includes a “remaining” string. I’ve also found that the “remaining” un-parsed string is helpful in chaining operations together, but that’s for a later discussion. It also leaves room for extensibility later, whereas std::optional can’t be edited.

In a later article I’ll expand on the Result type. For now, let’s see how this could help the above example. AnyOf::parse() returns a Result<std::string_view>.

int parse_bit(std::string_view str)
    Result<std::string_view> result = AnyOf<"01">::parse(str);
    if (not result)
        return -1;
    else if ((*result)[0] == '0')
        return 0;
        return 1;

Now we don’t need to parse the string twice. We call parse(str), and we don’t use str again. For this example it feels like overkill, but in the general case it’s much nicer.

So far for the concept, we have:

template <class P>
concept Parser = requires (std::string_view str) {
    { P::parse(str) } -> IsResult; // Later article

Let’s keep going.

Beyond the parse() function

Looking ahead (pun), I want another function on a “Parser” type, called lookahead(). Just in case we build a parser with an expensive result type, I want a way to skip creating it, and just check if the string matches or not. This is closer to the original idea of having a bool return type. I still think the “remaining” string is useful though, so I use Result<void> for this purpose.

Speaking of result types, I want each “Parser” to have a typename result_type, that indicates what it returns in its result. For now we only have string_view result types in the AnyOf, NoneOf, and AllOf parsers, but there will be more result types later. I want to generalize.

Next, I want each “Parser” to be an empty type. This is an expression template library, and I don’t want the types to hold any non-static data members. Every instance of a type should be identical to every other instance of that same type. And I’ll throw in an “implicitly default constructible” for good measure.

Lastly, I’ll need a way to query a parser for which “family” it belongs to. I settled on using an enum called ParserFamily, where the first value is called None, the last is called END, and the middle values are valid.

Let’s see the final concept.

template <class P> 
concept Parser =
    requires { typename std::integral_constant<ParserFamily, P::family>; } and
    static_cast<int>(P::family) > static_cast<int>(ParserFamily::None) and
    static_cast<int>(P::family) < static_cast<int>(ParserFamily::END) and
    (std::is_empty_v<P>) and
    requires (void(fn)(P)) { fn({}); } and // Implicitly default constructible
    requires (Input input)
        typename P::result_type;
        { P::parse(input) } -> IsResult<typename P::result_type>;
        { P::lookahead(input) } -> IsResult<void>;

Some notes:

Wrapping up

For the parsers I already defined in these articles, they need to be rewritten to conform to the concept. I’ll spend time in later articles showing Result<T> and rewriting the parser types. Thanks for reading!

Here is the code written in this article.